
designing freedom into every landscape

Forest Fed Design was established with the desire to become more self-reliant and to share solutions with others to create a truly sustainable, healthy and abundant society for our children and generations to come.

In partnership with Food Forest Abundance, it is our goal to plant food forests in every yard across the globe and create abundance for all!
As Bill Mollison, the father of permaculture, said – “Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarassingly simple.”
The answer to many of the problems society is facing is in our food- and begins with the soil. By growing food forests, we heal depleted soils and the nutrient-deficient, chemically-laden foods that are hurting our health. We reverse deforestation, mend food supply and distribution inefficiencies, improve water and air quality, and restore diversity of microbes and wildlife. We become producers instead of consumers and take power from large corporations and agencies, giving it back to the people as connected and resourceful communities. It is time for change and it’s in our hands. Let’s start planting.
Food Forests Everywhere!

Alana Corr

Forest Fed Design

Owner – Designer


To build a free, healthy, and abundant society for generations to come.


Food forests growing in every community and in every yard.
